Compendium des Compétences Féminines de Côte d'Ivoire

Compendium of Women's Competences of Côte d'Ivoire: opening of a capacity building workshop for women: Compendium of Women's Competences of Côte d'Ivoire: opening of a capacity building workshop for women


Several young girls and young ladies took part in a training workshop at the CRAE UMOA Abidjan plateau on Thursday 15 September and this until 17 September on the theme: 'the job search, a challenge to go to 'emergence.

Initiated by the Compendium of Women's Competences of Côte d'Ivoire and the Unesco Chair in Water, Women and Decision-Making, this capacity-building workshop aims to enable these young women to succeed in this melting pot of women. Elites in African and even global society.

The Compendium of Women's Competences of Côte d'Ivoire (COCOFCI), is a platform for training, motivation and integration of women's skills. It works for the promotion of gender in all decision-making bodies while breaking down barriers related to favoritism, ethnicity, politics, etc. This networking tool saw the birth and promotion of several women's skills in Côte d'Ivoire, such as Anna Bahi, Chief of Staff at the Ministry of the Family, Dosso Magnoba, jurist and Madeleine Kouassi, Who testified to the assistance of the seriousness and the contribution of the COCOFCI in their professional career and in their associative life.

In her opening address to the workshop, Ms. Euphrasie Kouassi yao, Minister of Family, Woman and Child Welfare, who also holds the Unesco Chair "Water, Women and Power of Decisions" Invited "his daughters" and "young sisters" to join the COCOFCI, which is "a true machine of promotion of the genre". The very one who contributed to the inking of the concept of gender in the mentalities in Côte d'Ivoire argued that the biggest job was defeated by the predecessors, it is now up to the youth to be trained in order to take The relay. This is why she called them "generation of hope". Because "your compendium is a unique model in the subregion and in Africa. "She insisted.
"The moment is favorable and this moment is now! Far from being a mere slogan, this message is topical and women and girls must take ownership of it because for the Minister yesterday is past tomorrow is full of hope but today belongs to courageous people And crazy to go higher.

Woman in the news Knowing +

Femme à la une Euphrasie Kouassi YAO Titulaire de la Chaire UNESCO

Register in the COCOFCI Database

Women of high level, young women graduates, women of all levels who excel in their sectors of activity.


Job offer

The Compendium makes available to its users a job search space. Whatever your profession and your geographical location, you will find offers that give you opportunities to increase your chances of getting an interview. Job offer

Quote of the Week

"Only laziness tires the brain." - Louis Pauwels