Compendium des Compétences Féminines de Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire-Compendium of Women's Competences: Tripartite Cooperation between France and Egypt-Côte d'Ivoire announced


Tripartite co-operation between France, Egypt and Côte d'Ivoire in the framework of the Compendium of Women's Competences was envisaged at the international symposium organized by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Egypt CCIFE), according to a briefing note received by the AIP on Wednesday.

The Coordinator of the National Program of the Compendium of Women's Skills of Côte d'Ivoire (COCOFCI), Euphrasie Kouassi Yao and the Deputy of Abobo, Jeanne Peuhmond took part in this international colloquium which benefited from the partnership with Senghor University Of Alexandria from 15 to 16 March.

The meeting was part of the celebration of the month of la Francophonie and International Women's Day, under the theme 'Regards croisés des femmes francophones Nord-Sud' ', it was learned.

According to the document, Ms Euphrasie Yao, during her speech, highlighted the merits of this program, which has helped to bring together women and girls of all ethnic groups, religions and political parties in Côte d'Ivoire .

Woman in the news Knowing +

Femme à la une Euphrasie Kouassi YAO Titulaire de la Chaire UNESCO

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Women of high level, young women graduates, women of all levels who excel in their sectors of activity.


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"Only laziness tires the brain." - Louis Pauwels