Compendium des Compétences Féminines de Côte d'Ivoire

The example of the UNESCO Chair in Excellence: The example of the UNESCO Chair in Excellence


Ms. Euphrasie YAO, UNESCO Chairholder, "Water, Women and Power of Decisions" (EFPOD) sponsored the 8th edition of the Excellence Ceremony of the International School of Vocational Training (EIFP) Michèle Yakice on Saturday 16 November 2013.

It is right that Ms YAO has accepted to be the godmother of this ceremony because it is excellence, virtue that has always been advocated by the UNESCO Chair "EFPOD" of international reference in gender and development through its Research and training program.

To witness this event organized by a competent woman, Michèle Yakice, who shares the vision of the UNESCO EFPOD Chair, that of making the EIFP an international structure in its sector of activity through quality training, is Both an honor and a bargain for the godmother to entice her godchildren to work well.
In addition to the skills, Ms Euphrasie YAO recommended to her godchildren to cultivate the strong values ​​of Love, Solidarity and
The Audacity.
• Love allows the spin-offs of his work to be shared.
• Solidarity makes it possible to get together to be stronger.
• The Audace allows not only to have innovative ideas but above all to take action in humility.
It was therefore in a convivial atmosphere that this ceremony took place, which began at 9 am and ended at 12:30 pm.

Woman in the news Knowing +

Femme à la une Euphrasie Kouassi YAO Titulaire de la Chaire UNESCO

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Quote of the Week

"Only laziness tires the brain." - Louis Pauwels